Thursday, August 25, 2011

Personal Travel Insights (that's PTI's for short)

Tomorrow is the last day of my yoga course in Nong Khai and on completion I will begin my journey back to Melbourne. It feels like years ago that I packed my bags and headed off to the airport. So much has happened, I couldn't have imagined it being any better.

When I set out I deliberately tried not to have too many expectations. I didn't book my flights in between countries so that I would have the freedom to go where I wanted when the time seemed right. This was the best choice I could have made. It meant I could savor the relaxing moments. At the same time, if I didn't feel like I was getting a good vibe, I could move on.

Here I am going to get all [insert word here] on it and express some realizations I have made. Personal insights, if you will:

Firstly, that I love the company of friends and family. It was around the forth week that I actually started feeling a little homesick. For Melbourne and NZ. I realised I really missed the company of people I love and intimate moments. Mia, a traveling companion in Laos, had purchased a little bib for her niece and the person that had made it had hand-sewn the word 'Laos' onto it. Only the s was backwards. It made me laugh, rather a lot. After I laughed I noticed it was the first time I'd laughed in weeks. Which brings me to number two on my list of 'personal travel insights' - that's PTI's.

Laughing. I love it. Who doesn't? You'd have to be pretty crazy not to. It is, indeed, the best medicine. That's one thing I love about being in the company of friends and family. So much laughter. Without it I feel incomplete.

Three on my list of PTI's is renewed acknowledgement and appreciation of home country. I come from one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I have been told on numerous occasions by travelers that NZ is their favourite country. Us New Zealanders get told it all the time. But we tend to forget, or take it for granted. It's really easy to become so familiar with the lakes and the mountains and the glaciers that you don't actually see it - even though it's right there. One thing I for one never even thought about was the population. Traveling around Southeast Asia is beautiful. It is also densely populated. New Zealand is huge, and hardly anyone lives there. I mean ... (let's just keep it quiet aye? Don't want everyone jumping the ditch now).

My forth PTI is closely linked with number three and concerns the worlds top cities. Well, I have a new found appreciation of the town I couldn't wait to leave. Wellington, while small, is one damn cool city. It is a vibrant, happening and stunning place. It remains the beat city I've ever seen - on a good day. Haha. For those of you who are from Wellington you will understand this joke. You see, there is a saying that goes 'can't beat Wellington on a good day'. Pity that in terms of weather, it has about three good days a year. BUT, weather aside, it rules.

I think that may be it on the PTI's. Well, on the ones I am willing to share on a blog. Interesting that it seems to be the things I have loved most about this trip - namely, the beautiful people I've met and places i've seen - that has reminded me of what I already have. I only have to open my eyes properly and see that which is right in front of me.


  1. I will leave you with the lyrics of a song my sisters and I wrote as children. Fits perfectly.

    New Zealand, I love you
    New Zealand, you're cool.

    The lakes, and the glaciers,
    All together, you're beautiful.

    Ohhhhh that song ruled. I think we should have won an award for best songwriters of the year 1990 (or thereabouts). For those who want to know how the song goes, just ask.

  2. Well that's got me, I'm feeling very moved by your observations and unusually for me at a loss for words. Good luck with the final beat of your journey, good connection back there eh, can't wait to see you. May just try and make it over your way in October. Arohanui doll.

  3. Hey Miss, Sounds like you're having super travels - back for a visit anytime soon? X Ness

  4. Arohanui to you too Mum. It has been amazing. And Ness! Travels have been wonderful, but coming to an end. Maybe I'll see you around new year. Where will you be?
